Polish Briefing: Denmark issued approvals for the construction of Baltic Pipe


What goes on in Poland on the 28th of October.

Denmark issued approvals for the construction of Baltic Pipe

Denmark has issued a set of approvals necessary for the construction of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline. The country assessed that the investment would not have a negative impact on the environment.

The Danish Energy Agency (DAE) has informed that the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Supply has given Energinet permission to lay the offshore section of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline within the continental shelf of the North Sea and the Little Belt Strait. Gaz-System has received permission to carry out work on the Baltic Sea shelf. On July 12, DAE approved the construction of the onshore section of the gas pipeline.

In the area of ​​the sea coast of Denmark, it was decided to place a gas pipeline in a tunnel, about 1000 meters long, passing under the beach and the cliff. Both tunneling and the laying of the gas pipeline, and then its operation, will take place without affecting valuable natural areas.

– The construction of the Baltic Pipe will allow Poland to move away from coal towards natural gas, which will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the gas pipeline will increase the security of gas supply in Denmark, according to a press release.

The agency indicated that it had analyzed several routes before issuing consent. The selected route will not have a negative impact on the environment. Consent to lay the gas pipeline in Denmark has been issued, among others based on the environmental impact assessment of the project, which was subject to national public consultations. Due to its international nature, the project is also covered by the Espoo Convention, which provides for taking into account also other countries in which the project could potentially affect the decision-making process. The international consultations related to this fact lasted until October this year.

– The Danish government’s consent for the construction of the Baltic Pipe offshore section is a key element in the implementation of the project. It is a building permit integrated with the environmental decision regarding the sea area. Gaz-System has planned in the documentation a number of technological solutions that minimize the impact of the gas pipeline on the environment – said Tomasz Stępień, president of Gaz-System. – Currently, the process of selecting a pipe supplier and selecting a contractor for construction works is underway in the implementation process – added Stępień.