Polish Briefing: PGE does not plan to increase energy prices in 2022 | Orlen wants to take over PGNiG around November


What goes on in Poland on the 2nd of August.

PGE does not plan to increase energy prices in 2022

– Polska Grupa Energetyczna is not planning to submit an application to the Energy Regulatory Office in 2022 for an increase in the price of energy in the tariff – informed PGE’s head Wojciech Dąbrowski.

– We will not submit applications for an increase in energy prices in 2022, so our customers can rest assured that they will pay for energy as before, said Dąbrowski in an interview with the Polish Radio.

He noted that the company had not yet decided whether it would submit such an application next year. However, he drew attention to the broadly understood economic situation and the “crazy” climate policy. – We are calling for the suspension of the European Emissions Trading System since we have noticed speculation on this market – he added.

Orlen wants to take over PGNiG around November

– We plan to take over the PGNiG Group after registration at the turn of October and November – revealed the president of PKN Orlen Daniel Obajtek during a press conference devoted to the merger with Lotos. The president of Orlen announced that the new company will be better positioned to negotiate the supplies of hydrocarbons.
He reminded that the general meeting of Orlen shareholders will be held in September, and in October the counterparts at PGNiG will meet as well. Orlen wants to acquire PGNiG after the merger with Lotos. The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection gave a green light to the process.

– We will balance the purchases of hydrocarbons. When we talk to other national concerns, for instance mining companies, it is very important that we have the right size, argued Daniel Obajtek with regard to the acquisition of PGNiG. He announced that the combined Orlen, Lotos and PGNiG will have just one mining company in the country and one abroad. Currently there are several mining companies in the country.