Polish Briefing: New edition of home PV grant scheme open| Construction of Baltic Pipe in Denmark will remain suspended in two sections


What goes on in Poland on the 29th of June.

New edition of a support scheme for house PV to increase the share of RES in Poland

At the beginning of July, another call for applications for co-financing of home photovoltaics as part of the My Electricity (Mój Prąd) 3.0 program starts. This year the grants will be lower (up to PLN 3.000, in previous editions it was PLN 5.000), and there won’t be funding for energy storage and heat pumps. The next edition for 2022 has already been announced as well.

According to the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW), the aim of the program is to increase the production of electricity from photovoltaic micro-installations in Poland. The purchase and installation of photovoltaic micro-installations – with an installed capacity of 2 kW to 10 kW – used for the needs of existing residential buildings, is to be co-financed. Projects consisting in increasing the capacity of an already existing photovoltaic installation are not eligible for co-financing.

The beneficiaries are to be natural persons generating electricity for their own needs who have signed a comprehensive agreement, which regulates issues related to feeding the power produced in home PVs into the grid. Co-financing will be granted in the form of a subsidy up to 50 percent of the eligible costs of the micro-installation included in the project, but not more than PLN 3.000. PLN for one project. The call for proposals will last from 1 July 2021 to 22 December 2021 or until the funds run out.

The construction of the Baltic Pipe in Denmark will remain suspended in two sections

East Jutland and the western part of the island of Funen (Fyn) are the two sections of the Baltic Pipe, on which the construction of the gas pipeline will remain suspended until a new environmental decision is obtained, the Danish transmission operator Energinet, who is building the gas pipeline, informed.

According to information published on Monday by Energinet, the operator will resume work in the western part of Jutland, from the landing site of the gas pipeline to the Nybro terminal, in the eastern part of Funen from Brylle to Nyborg in Funen, and in Zealand, including the Everdrup compressor station. In the remaining sections, through East Jutland and West Funen, work will be suspended until new environmental permits are issued by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

Energinet emphasized that it is constantly in dialogue with the agency on the procedure for issuing the new environmental decisions. It is known that a new environmental impact assessment will have to be prepared, which will describe the impact of the construction on the local populations of bats, two species of mice and two species of snails and indicate what additional measures should be introduced to ensure good living conditions for the affected species.