Poland 2050 and Civic Coalition want to take energy back to the stock exchange and have wind farms closer to buildings

The Morro do Chapéu wind farm in Brazil. Enel
The Morro do Chapéu wind farm in Brazil. Enel

Poland 2050 and Civic Coalition (KO) have proposed to restore the exchange obligation and decrease the minimum distance between wind turbines and buildings, which would depend on the noise emitted by the power plant.

The Polish Press Agency (PAP) has revealed details of a draft amendment to the act on support for energy consumers. It was submitted by a group of MPs from Poland 2050 – the Third Way and from the Civic Coalition (KO). The authors want to restore the exchange obligation, that is, the return of the obligation to sell and buy electricity on the stock exchange. According to the MPs, trading 100 percent of power on the exchange will put a curb on wholesale price increases caused by other costs than the generation of power. The authors of the project want the stock exchange obligation to be restored on July 1, 2024.

The amendment also proposes liberalisation of rules on the construction of onshore wind farms. The goal is to reduce the minimum distance of wind turbines from residential buildings and national parks. The new rules will take into account the level of noise emitted by a power plant and the distance from it.

„It is proposed to make the site of a wind farm dependent on the noise it emits. ( … ) Quieter turbines will stand closer, while louder ones should be located much further away from buildings, so as not to cause an inconvenience,” PAP quoted the proposal.

Polish Press Agency / Marcin Karwowski