Onshore industry comments on the new wind turbine act

Koźmin Wielkopolski wind farm, WPD. Picture by Bartłomiej Sawicki/BiznesAlert.pl
Koźmin Wielkopolski wind farm, WPD. Picture by Bartłomiej Sawicki/BiznesAlert.pl

The nascent wind farm industry in Poland is calling for the liberalisation of regulations that would decrease the distance from buildings to 500 meters.

The Ministry of Climate and Environment has announced it was preparing to liberalize the regulations dubbed as the wind turbine act, which will be ready in the first quater of 2024. Previously the Ministry tried to combine the update to this law with changes to the Act on Freezing the Prices of Energy and Fuels. However, the amendments came under fire, so the authors dropped the idea. One of the bones of contention was the distance between wind turbines and buildings.

„500 meters is a very good solution. This is a compromise that has been worked out over two years,” said Paweł Czopek, president of the Wind Industry Hub in response to a question from BiznesAlert.pl.

According to the Polish Wind Energy Association, under the best-case scenarios for the development of this technology and the use of the maximum potential of onshore and offshore wind energy by 2040, we can achieve 36 GW and 33 GW of installed capacity, respectively.  The onshore and offshore sectors will create about 200,000 new jobs, more than PLN 450 billion of value added for the Polish economy and bring almost PLN 100 billion of possible revenues for Polish companies during construction.

Marcin Karwowski / Wojciech Jakóbik