NATO may take over Gdyńkong in case of conflict

The Outer Port of Gdynia. Picture by Port of Gdynia.
The Outer Port of Gdynia. Picture by Port of Gdynia.

CNN has established that NATO allies are exploring the possibility of seizing critical infrastructure from China in the event of a conflict.

The NATO summit was an opportunity to discuss the possible takeover of Chinese-controlled infrastructure in Europe in the event of a potential conflict. This is a consequence of the provisions condemning China’s material support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as stated in the post-summit press release.

In the event of a conflict, critical infrastructure „would almost certainly be nationalized or states would take temporary control of it,” according to CNN’s security correspondents. This is similar what was done with Russian assets after the invasion of Ukraine.

Considering this, the future of GCT’s terminal in Gdynia, which is managed by China’s Hutchinson Ports is interesting. A Polish ministry is to include that port, aka Gdyńkong (a portmanteau of the Polish name of the city Gdynia and Hong Kong), on the list of critical infrastructure.

CNN / Wojciech Jakóbik