Gaz-System offers the capacity of interconnection points within the annual auctions


Gaz-System S.A., as an operator of the national transmission system and an independent operator of the Polish section of the Yamal – Western Europe transit gas pipeline (hereinafter referred to as: Yamal gas pipeline) is going to held yearly capacity auctions.

The auctions are scheduled for July 2, 2018, at 7.00 a.m. (UTC) on the GSA Platform this is used for capacity booking at interconnection points. Market players may book the firm capacity within yearly products, providing the capacity for at least 5 gas years, yet for no longer than 15 gas years to come. The auctions will cover all interconnection points and be performed in line with the provisions of the Regulation of the European Commission (EU) 2017/459 of March 16, 2017, establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems (CAM NC).

The offer of GAZ-SYSTEM comprises the following interconnection points between the national transmission system and the neighbouring systems:

– Entry point GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/Ontras at the Polish-German border
– Exit point GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/Ontras at the Polish-German border
– Entry point Cieszyn at the Polish-Czech border
– Entry point Drozdowicze at the Polish-Ukraine border
– Entry point Wysokoje at the Polish-Belarusian border
– Entry point Tietierowka at the Polish-Belarusian border
– Entry point Point of Interconnection (PWP)

The offer of GAZ-SYSTEM ISO encompasses the following interconnection points at the Yamal gas pipeline:

– Entry point SGT Kondratki
– Exit point SGT Mallnow
– Entry point SGT Mallnow Rewers
– Exit point SGT Point of Interconnection (PWP)

Pursuant to EU regulations, capacities allowing for gas transmission through the Polish section of the Yamal gas pipeline may be booked in the course of auctions organized in line and upon dates set out in CAM NC. Available capacities are offered to the interested market participants under a non-discriminatory market-based bidding.

The firm capacity, that has not been sold in the form of yearly products provided for the next gas year (from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019), is going to be offered to market participants over short-term bidding, including: quarterly, monthly, daily and intraday products.

The auctions for interruptible capacity relating to the yearly products are going to be conducted under CAM NC rules, in compliance with the auction schedule, on July 16, 2018, at the GSA Platform.
