Gaz-System: Next stage of public consultations on Baltic Pipe


On February 19, 2019, a public consultation took place in Niechorze and Trzebiatów regarding the construction of the Baltic Pipe offshore gas pipeline. The representatives of Gaz-System discussed the technical, environmental, social and economic aspects of the project, as well as its impact on the functioning of the local communities. The meetings were attended, among others, by local residents and local authorities. Also, on February 20, a meeting with the representatives of organizations associating fishing communities was held in Rewal.

On the meetings, the investor was represented by core employees and experts responsible in the company for the implementation of the offshore part of the project. The representatives of Gaz-System presented the residents the current information regarding the stage of the Baltic Pipe project implementation, especially regarding the construction and route of the offshore part of the gas pipeline along with the landfall and the gas valve station in two options taken into account – Rogowo and Niechorze-Pogorzelica. They also discussed first conclusions resulting from the performed environmental impact assessment of the offshore gas pipeline.

The participants of the meetings in Trzebiatów and Niechorze discussed, among others, how the construction of the Baltic Pipe may impact tourism in the coastal area and local infrastructure. They also tackled the issue of security – both with regard to the construction and operation of the gas infrastructure.

The goal of the meeting in Rewal was to start a dialog with the representatives of fishing communities, who are important stakeholders in the process of implementation of the offshore part of the gas pipeline. The talks regarded, among others, the impact of the project on the fish habitat.

The consultation meetings were not connected with the ongoing administrative procedures. Their goal was to keep up the dialog with local communities and ensure that all residents and interested parties were provided with current information regarding the course and implementation of the Baltic Pipe project.
