Gustorzyn gas copressor station with location decision


On July 19, 2019, the Voivode of the Kujawsko – Pomorskie province issued a decision on determining the location for the construction of the Gustorzyn Gas Compressor Station, together with the infrastructure necessary for its operation, in the area of Gustorzyn, in the commune of Brześć Kujawski. The gas compression station in Gustorzyn is an important element of the project to connect the transmission systems of the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Lithuania (GIPL) and the Baltic Pipe Project.

Due to the characteristics of the operation of the national transmission system and the planned increase of gas supplies from the northern direction, the gas compressor station in Gustorzyn is an important component of both the GIPL and Baltic Pipe projects.

The facility is responsible for enabling the distribution of gas from the Baltic Pipe to the compressor station and then, for directing this stream towards Lithuania (GIPL). Owing to the construction of such facilities as the gas compressor station in Gustorzyn, GAZ-SYSTEM has the ability to flexibly control flows and supply this raw material to customers throughout Poland and neighboring countries.

Financial support

The design works within the GIPL project were supported with the highest possible amount of EU financial aid (from the CEF instrument) allowed for research work, i.e. 50%. Out of the total amount of over EUR 10 million, EUR 2.5 million went to Amber Grid, and EUR 7.6 million to GAZ-SYSTEM. On the other hand, the construction works within the project were awarded a co-financing of up to a maximum of EUR 266.4 million from the EU funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Out of the total amount of co-financing, Amber Grid received almost EUR 58 million, while GAZ-SYSTEM received over EUR 208 million.

Moreover, according to the decision of ACER of August 11, 2014 on the cross-border allocation of project costs, in addition to the EU financial support, the construction of GIPL, including part of the costs of the GIPL infrastructure on the territory of Poland, will be co-financed by Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (TSO – transmission system operators).
