Polish Briefing: The final of the Polish and Ukrainian initiative for LNG for Eastern Partnership countries


What goes on in Poland on the 18th of May.

The final of the Polish and Ukrainian initiative for LNG for the Eastern Partnership countries

At the end of April, a report summarizing the work of the LNG group for the Eastern Partnership countries, a joint initiative of Poland and Ukraine, was published. The Group recommends EU funding for projects enabling the development of supplies from the European Union to the Partnership countries.

The report concluding the work of the group is a summary of the state of the LNG market in the Eastern Partnership countries, an EU initiative aimed at integrating the member countries of the Partnership with the Community. The authors of the report propose specific actions for the construction of new infrastructure and development of cooperation on the LNG market between EU countries and members of the Eastern Partnership. The document is to be an introduction to internal analysis in the Partnership countries on the possibility of using LNG in their economies to reduce energy dependence, support the transformation towards renewable sources and decarbonisation.

The auction will show how much gas from Russia will reach the Yamal Pipeline in June

On May 18 at 9.00 Polish time, the capacity auction of the Yamal Gas Pipeline will take place for June 2020. Its daily capacity in May is reserved in daily auctions.

The Yamal gas pipeline has a capacity of 32 billion cubic meters annually and supplies Russian gas to Europe via Belarus and Poland. Reverse auctions are also available in the auctions, allowing gas to be imported from Germany to Poland. It is also potentially available to Belarus.