Polish Briefing: Talks about oil supplies via Poland to Belarus are at the finish


What goes on in Poland on the 12th of June.

PERN: Talks about oil supplies via Poland to Belarus are at the finish

PERN Vice President Rafał Miland revealed on Polish Radio that talks with potential oil consumers in Belarus are at the finish.

– A separate issue, which is the subject of talks with Belarusian customers, is the conclusion of an appropriate commercial agreement that would allow us to carry out the actual delivery to customers – Miland said in Polish Radio. – Talks are ongoing. I can’t say yet that they were successful, but they are close to finalization.

Belarus declares its willingness to diversify its oil supply sources, which could also take place using the reverse of the Druzhba Oil Pipeline in Poland. PERN representatives cited by BiznesAlert.pl argue that it will be possible from 2021.

The Russians threaten Belarus with more expensive gas after the takeover of the refinery by Poles

The Russians are once again criticizing the idea of ​​taking over refinery shares in Belarus by Poles. They argue that she may face problems then, like Mazeikiu Refinery in Lithuania after the takeover by PKN Orlen. They also scare Belarusians with more expensive gas. This is another answer to the BiznesAlert.pl text about the possible expansion of Poles in Belarus and Ukraine.

Igor Jushkov from the National Energy Security Fund claims that the Belarusian state would be harmed if it suddenly decided to privatize some shares in refineries presented as one of the most valuable assets under state control. Juszkow admits that Poland could develop exports of petroleum products to Ukraine thanks to its shares in the Mozyrz Refinery in Belarus. He argues, however, that there could be a conflict with Russian shareholders in this undertaking, and then „Poles would buy the refinery, but they would not supply raw materials from it.” This expert has already expressed a similar opinion after the BiznesAlert.pl text about the possible expansion of Poles in Belarus and Ukraine.