Polish Briefing: Czechia wants financial penalties for the Turów Mine | A new Plenipotentiary for International Climate and Energy Cooperation


What goes on in Poland on the 8th of June.

The Czechs want financial penalties for the Turów Mine and continue talks

The Czech government agreed on the framework of an intergovernmental agreement under which the Czech Republic could withdraw the suit against Poland. Any withdrawal will depend on Poland’s compliance with the terms of the agreement. At the same time, however, the Council of Ministers ordered the Government Plenipotentiary for the Representation of the Czech Republic before the Court of Justice of the EU, Martin Smolek, to impose a fine on Poland in the amount of EUR 5 million per day.

Environment Minister Richard Brabec said that the framework of the agreed agreement includes, among others, a review of the existing licensing processes in line with the European law and providing any available information on the impact of extraction. This is the essence of the ongoing lawsuit against Poland. „These are the key requirements of the Czech Republic,” the Minister of the Environment said. The Minister of the Environment assumes that the draft agreement on this matter will be ready in the coming weeks.

Deputy Minister of Environment Vladislav Smrž stated that at the moment it was impossible to estimate how long it would take to negotiate the intergovernmental agreement with Poland. However, according to him, both sides were interested in reaching an agreement as soon as possible. „Experts from the ministries of foreign affairs and the environment will work on it, and everything will be done with the participation of representatives of the Liberec region,” Smrž explained.

Poland has a new Plenipotentiary for International Climate and Energy Cooperation

On June 7, 2021, the Minister of Climate and Environment, Michał Kurtyka, appointed Sebastian Barkowski as the Plenipotentiary for International Climate and Energy Cooperation.

His job will include cooperation with institutions and bodies of the European Union within the network of Climate Ambassadors operating in EU countries. He will participate in meetings, conferences and other international events, presenting our country’s position in the field of energy and climate transformation. „The appointment of the plenipotentiary will also allow the development of bilateral contacts in the field of the international climate and energy agenda and shaping a positive image of Poland’s energy transformation by promoting native solutions and technologies, as well as achievements in the field of combating climate change,” the ministry’s press release said.