Polish Briefing: „Poland may build a second FSRU terminal, but there is no such need now” | Gaz-System reserved 80 percent of Baltic Pipe’s capacity


What goes on in Poland on the 6th of June.

„Poland may build a second FSRU terminal, but there is no such need now”

President of Gaz-System, Tomasz Stępień, announced that Poland has the technical capacity to build a second FSRU terminal. – In order to build a second terminal you need to have some basics. It is possible technically and in terms of investments, but there are no such needs at the moment – he said at the PTG conference in Warsaw.

During the conference, Stępień was asked if the construction of FSRU in Gdańsk could accelerate. – Of course, there is a chance for acceleration, with appropriate legislative conditions. Without it, it is not possible. The question of whether there is a need to speed up something in a situation where we have an extensive infrastructure and the first demand, according to market research, appears only after a few years. The investment is at an advanced stage, we are obtaining environmental permits and location decisions for the needs of onshore gas pipelines. If we simplified the permit period, we would be able to accelerate the construction of the terminal in Gdańsk by up to two years. The question is whether it is needed – said Tomasz Stępień.

Gaz-System reserved 80 percent of Baltic Pipe’s capacity

Gaz-System has contracts for 80 percent of the transmission capacity of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline, which will be launched in October, said Tomasz Stępień, head of Gaz-System. – We will conduct auctions for the remaining 20 percent this year – he added.

The president of Gaz-System said that the company already has contracts for 80 percent of Baltic Pipe’s transmission capacity. The gas pipeline is to be launched in October this year. Stępień added that the gas supply contract is the responsibility of other entities.