Polish Briefing: Poland may need two nuclear waste landfills | Baltic Pipe is contracted for 5 bcm


What goes on in Poland on the 18th of July.

Poland may need two nuclear waste landfills

Poland will need a new repository for radioactive waste generated so far, as well as another one to store waste generated in the planned nuclear power industry in accordance with the EU taxonomy. Preparations have already started, but there is no final decision.

Poland wants to have a new National Radioactive Waste Repository, mainly due to the development of nuclear energy. The existing NRWR is almost full, and after a possible dismantling of the reactor Maria will be closed, but the amount of waste will increase. The location of the new facility is being sought, and the NRWR and the Climate Ministry do not provide any information on this. However, the new NRWR will not store nuclear fuel.
Poland wants to have the first nuclear reactor in 2033 and 6-9 GW of nuclear energy in 2043. It has declared it wanted to build a new nuclear waste landfill.

Morawiecki: Baltic Pipe is contracted for 5 bcm

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki informed that this year the Baltic Pipe is contracted for gas supplies in the amount of 5 billion cubic meters. In 2023, this value is to be twice as high.

– According to the information I received from specialists from PGNiG, this year about 5 bcm has been contracted, and next year the pipe’s full capacity, i.e. about 10 billion cubic meters, has been secured – said Morawiecki during the conference in Łagiewniki, quoted by Salon24.

– Domestic consumption this year may even fall compared to last year and will be slightly lower than 20 billion cubic meters. These are the current predictions, so it is easy to summarize and calculate that we will not be dependent on the gas blackmail, which today Germany, Austrians, Czechs, Dutch and many others are subject to – the Polish PM added.