Polish Briefing: The cover allowance from the anti-inflation shield will apply until the end of the year | Government plans to support people affected by the ecological disaster on the Odra River

Cigacice, 11.08.2022. Œniêta ryba w Odrze w okolicy wsi Cigacice (woj. lubuskie), 11 bm. Pierwsze informacje o masowym œniêciu ryb w Odrze zaczê³y pojawiaæ siê pod koniec lipca br. i dotyczy³y woj. dolnoœl¹skiego. Wêdkarze mówi¹ o katastrofie ekologicznej, która przetrzebi pog³owie ryb w tej rzece na wiele lat. (mr) PAP/Lech Muszyñski

What goes on in Poland on the 25th of August.

The cover allowance from the anti-inflation shield will apply until the end of the year

The government extended the anti-inflation shield until the end of the year. It includes subsidies to energy bills for the poorest. Contrary to other solutions introduced by the government, this one is designed to help a specific group of people.

The bill will go to the Sejm in September. The shield was supposed to run until October 31, but it will be extended until the end of the year. It introduces a reduction in VAT and excise duty on fuels, gas, electricity and heat, among others. It also includes a cover allowance, i.e. a subsidy to energy bills depending on the income criterion.

The government plans to support people affected by the ecological disaster on the Odra River

– We are working on preparing financial support based on the experience from the last three years in the context of anti-crisis shields. We take into account a one-off payment, suspension of social insurance contributions and a small subsidy – said Deputy Minister of Development and Technology Olga Semeniuk in an interview with Polish Radio 1, when asked about support for people affected by the ecological disaster on the Odra River.
Aid for businesses affected by the pollution in the Odra River was discussed on August 23, at a meeting of the Council of Ministers. The condition for obtaining aid is a recorded decrease in revenues by at least 50 percent.