Poland is negotiating with the United States and expecting atomic autumn in Pomerania

Polish Nuclear Power Plant in Pomerania. Visualization: Polish Nuclear Power Plants.
Polish Nuclear Power Plant in Pomerania. Visualization: Polish Nuclear Power Plants.

The most important decisions from the point of view of the nuclear power plant project in Pomerania are due to be made in the autumn. Americans have to decide about their financial involvement and a project agreement needs to be signed. Then the preferred locations of the second facility planned by Polish Nuclear Power Plants will also be revealed.

Negotiations are underway on the financial involvement of the United States in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Poland that will use the technology of the American Westinghouse. „The Parameters are a business secret that we cannot disclose due to the good of the on,” said the acting President of Polish Nuclear Power Plants Łukasz Młynarkiewicz. „What I can say is that we do not close ourselves to US institutions,” he added.

„Signing an engineering contract with Westinghouse and Bechtel is the company’s most important business goal for this year. We plan to do this this autumn. It is within the framework of this agreement that a power plant in Pomerania will be designed,” our interlocutor explains.

Preparations are also underway to select the location of the second nuclear power plant, which will be operated by PEJ. „The company is currently in the process of narrowing the list of locations to three. However, this process of research and analysis takes time. We plan to present potential locations in the autumn of this year,” says Młynarkiewicz.

Poland plans to have its first AP1000 reactor in 2033 and 6-9 GW in 2043. It has selected Americans to work on the first power plant in Pomerania and is talking with potential partners for the second location as part of the government program. In parallel, talks are underway about a „private” project of PGE, ZE PAK and the Korean KHNP in Pątnów in Wielkopolska in APR1400 technology, which could be built in 2035.

Wojciech Jakóbik