A new duo responsible for energy will challenge the old team.

Picture by Piotr Stępiński, BiznesAlert.pl
Picture by Piotr Stępiński, BiznesAlert.pl

The dispute over how to freeze energy prices in 2024 could become a test of strength between the outgoing team at the climate and state assets departments and those who are to replace them.

At a recent government meeting the Ministry of Climate and Environment headed by Anna Moskwa has presented a statutory proposal to extend support mechanisms during the energy crisis in the form of freezing energy, gas and heat prices at the 2023 level for the next year. It is worth noting that the draft budget for 2024 did not yet provide for this solution, although the Climate Ministry announced a special resolution on this issue before the elections.

However, the election result prompted the current government to act faster, as evidenced by the intervention of the Ministry of State Assets in the debate on energy prices. The Ministry of State Assets under the leadership of Jacek Sasin announced the extension of subsidies for the whole of 2024 after the election, though the Ministry of Climate had previously suggested that it would leave this decision to successors, as evidenced by the confirmation it had provided to BiznesAlert.pl.

If Mateusz Morawiecki fails to win the majority vote at the Sejm in support of his new cabinet, Donald Tusk may take over this task. His government may consist of the same ministries as the current one, and so climate may be led by Paulina Hening-Kloska from Poland 2050 and state assets are to be managed by Borys Budka from the Civic Coalition. The former announced on Radio Zet she would present a new bill on freezing energy prices in 2024.

BiznesAlert.pl has learned from those involved in the preparation of this project that it is intended to take into account budgetary realities, which may mean the aid will be limited. Andrzej Domański of the Civic Coalition suggested freezing energy prices for half of next year and gas until the end.

On November 28 the two proposals will clash at the Sejm.

Wojciech Jakóbik