An American company was authorized to support the construction of Polish nuclear power plants

Visualization of Poland's NPP by PEJ.
Visualization of Poland's NPP by PEJ.

The State Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) has granted authorization to the American company NUMARK Associates, Incorporated. The company will be able to apply for technical support in the process of licensing and supervision of the construction of nuclear power plants.

American company Numark Associates, Incorporated has been recognized by the PAA as a technical support organization. PAA reports that it has granted the company permission to:

– conduct deterministic analyses of anticipated operational events and design failures in nuclear power plants;

– determne expected initiating events (PZI) and verify the assignment of PZI to individual states of the facility in terms of safety analyses of the nuclear power plant.

The Americans will be able to help PAA prepare for accidents and failures resulting from use or design errors. In addition, they will be involved in determining what can lead to such a failure in individual parts of the power plant. Currently, ten companies have similar authorisations, of which eight are Polish. The first foreign company is the French Institute of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire). These companies will assist PAA with, among others, assessing the investor’s application for a permit to build the nuclear power plant. They will be entrusted with a part of the analysis that needs to be carried out.

National Atomic Energy Agency / Marcin Karwowski