Polish Briefing: The day under the sign of Baltic Pipe attracted over 100 companies


What goes on in Poland on the 20th of November.

The day under the sign of Baltic Pipe attracted over 100 companies

Over 100 representatives of companies from all over the world took part in the „Supplier’s Day” of the Baltic Pipe project, organized by the Danish transmission network operator, Energinet.dk.

On Wednesday, November 15, the Danish transmission network operator Energniet.dk organized the „Supplier’s Day” of the Baltic Pipe project. Over 100 representatives of energy companies from around the world, including Japan, Australia, Russia, India and Turkey, took part in talks on the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline project.

The world is interested in Baltic Pipe

Polish and Danish promoters of the project, and therefore the mentioned Energinet.dk and its Polish equivalent Gaz-System, want the gas pipeline from Denmark to Poland to connect the Norwegian, Danish and Polish gas networks. For Denmark, Baltic Pipe is to provide lower gas bills for over 400,000 customers. Thanks to it they will save up to 125 to thousands of Danish crowns per year.

The Danes point out that there is no final decision on the Danish side to build a gas pipeline yet. It should be taken after signing the so-called Construction Agreement, ie agreements on the construction of the Baltic Pipe. – If it is finally approved, kilometers of the gas pipeline on land and sea should be built. In addition, a new gas compressor will be built in Zealand (geographic area in Denmark – ed.), And then the existing gas collection terminal at Nybro in West Jutland will be expanded.

– I am very pleased that many interested suppliers met to find out at what stage the project is located. It is in our interest that we be able to best explain what offers from contractors are waiting for Baltic Pipe. It is in the interest of suppliers to learn as much as possible and to put up a tender – said Søren Juul Larsen, head project manager at Energinet.