Baltic Pipe obtained another location decision


On June 21, 2019, the West Pomerania Province Governor signed the decision on establishing the location for the construction of the Baltic Pipe infrastructure. The investment will consist in the design, construction and operation of a gas pipeline from the Płoty transmission station to the Goleniów compressor station along with the extension of the Płoty transmission station.

The Baltic Pipe is a strategic infrastructure project, with the goal of creating a new gas supply corridor on the European market. For the first time, it will be possible to transport gas from fields in Norway to the Danish and Polish markets, as well as to customers in neighbouring countries. Once implemented, the project will enhance energy security in Poland and in the entire CEE region and increase the competitiveness of the Polish gas market.

The Baltic Pipe will enable the transportation of 10 billion m3/year gas from Norway to Denmark and Poland and 3 billion m3/year gas from Poland to Denmark. The construction of the sea-bed section of the Baltic Pipe will begin in 2020. The gas transmission will start in October 2022.

Baltic Pipe is a project implemented in close cooperation between Gaz-System, a Polish gas transmission operator, and Energinet, a Danish transmission system operator for gas and electricity.
