Polish Briefing: A green light for the synchronization of the Baltic States


What goes on in Poland on the 17th of September.

There is a green light for the synchronization of the Baltic States

The scenario of synchronization of the Baltic power grids with the continental Europe network has been approved. It allows submission of applications for the expansion of European networks and co-financing of the project.

The group to prepare a plan for the expansion of interconnectors on the Baltic States energy market (BEMIP), which includes representatives of the Baltic States, Poland and the European Commission, approved the technical scenario prepared by experts of the Polish Institute of Power Engineering in Gdańsk.

This decision means that the synchronization scenario has finally been determined, which ends the more than four-year discussion on the subject. The Ministry of Energy of Lithuania said that this is a significant step for the formal connection of the Baltic Sea network to the European network.
– In close cooperation at all levels, not forgetting the long-term perspective, we strive to achieve the main goal of strengthening our energy security and becoming a full-fledged member of the European Union in energy – said the Prime Minister of Lithuania Saulius Skvernelis.

In June, the leaders of the Baltic states and representatives of Poland and the European Union signed an agreement on the final variant of the synchronization of power grids. It provides for further use of the existing LitPol Link connection and the location of a submarine cable at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

The decision made today allows transmission grid operators in Poland and the Baltic States to submit a joint application to ENTSO-E for the extension of the European electricity grid by September 21st. You will have to wait for the answer for about a year. By 30 September, however, the regulators in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are to decide on the synchronization. Then, by October 11, the Lithuanian Litgrid, Latvian AST and Estonian Elering will submit a joint application for co-financing synchronization from the European Union’s Cohesion Fund with an amount of EUR 482 million.

According to plans, the whole process is to end in 2025.