Bando: The law on energy prices needs an urgent amendment


The President of the Energy Regulatory Office Maciej Bando took part in the 19th National Energy and Heating Congress POWERPOL 2019. He appealed for an urgent amendment to the Act intervening in energy prices.

– Capitalism – yes, the market – no. Last year’s law is a good illustration of this slogan – he referred to the law on interference in energy prices. – It is constantly said that the law will be limited in time, but it still means that we forgot about the market. In capitalism, the role of the state in the market is defined in various ways, but it is not planned to destroy it. It was such a measure to limit the price increase. Sometimes a step too far means the total loss of many years of building a free market economy in Poland. Despite the fact that the goal is noble, it fits into the global trend of achieving political goals at the expense of the economy. The only fight against populism is education, not denying facts.

– The increase in coal prices and CO2 emission rights is the reason for the increase in energy prices. A month ago, the Energy Regulatory Office published an analysis which showed that market factors also existed in addition to the fundamental factors. This shows where the intervention of the state should occur, and where it should not. The example of activities around energy prices raises concern not only of the Energy Regulatory Office, but also of the European Commission. The Polish law clearly shows who is responsible for the price level and tariff. Big confusion and uncertainty on the market have been introduced, this is the worst example of state action. Such a law is harmful to all of us – it is an example of administrative malfunction and causes anxiety among consumers and in the energy sector. Without stable law it is difficult to function normally – warned Bando.

– We take the position that the law requires amendment. We do not see the possibility of regulating the market or performing our duties to achieve the goal of balancing. The law is so far contrary to other files that it leads to disputes about interpretation. The law should be clear and show all its addressees where they belong – concluded the president.

– Electrical power engineering and distribution networks require investment and investment, we should not stop them. These are elements of a certain chain, as consumers of energy, we can not tolerate the backwardness of the distribution network in Poland. The indicators show that we are at one of the last places in Europe when it comes to power continuity. We will not avoid discussions that energy will be more expensive. The cogeneration fee will soon come into force. Our accounts will also include approximately PLN 150 annually from the power market title. You can not be silent about it – he warned.

– The price of RES at PLN 240 means that we are just before reaching the point at which renewable sources will be competitive against conventional ones. Within 2-3 years these prices will be evened out. It should be noted that PEP shows future state actions under various forms of support. This shows how the state will see Polish energy – said the president of the Energy Regulatory Office.