Polish Briefing: Poland may gain from postponing certain decisions


What goes on the 28th of February.

Dąbrowski: Poland may gain from postponing certain decisions

– PEP2040 shows a visible reduction of fossil fuels, the introduction of new technologies, such as nuclear or offshore wind farms. These two areas will bring Poland closer to trends in the EU. Postponing decisions for the coming years can bring tangible benefits to Poland – said the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Energy conference „Forum Zmieniamy Polski Przemysł”.

Dąbrowski said that we will have a lot of discussions about the directions of energy policy in Poland and the European Union, which presented the long-term strategy of a Clean Planet: – Member states will have to find themselves in this document – some will take advantage of them, others will lose on them. Either we adopt the right tactic to shape the discussion, or we will regret it. These discussions will concern the multi-annual financial framework – said the deputy minister of energy.

From Poland’s point of view, the final shape of the energy policy is crucial: – PEP2040 shows a visible reduction of fossil fuels, the introduction of new technologies, such as nuclear or offshore wind farms. These two areas will bring Poland closer to the neighbors mentioned in the EU arena. Postponing decisions for the next years can bring tangible benefits to Poland – he said.

According to Dąbrowski, the most important transformation process is the right orientation of financial streams to gain competitiveness: – The existing EU policy was focused on strengthening already strong economies. We want to emerge as the winners from the energy transformation process – he said.

Kurtyka: Will the current system guide us through the 21st century? In my opinion no

– The civilization model that we have chosen causes gigantic wastage and environmental pollution. The entire continents of plastic appear on the oceans. Will this system guide us through the 21st and 22nd century? In my opinion no – said Deputy Minister of the Environment Michał Kurtyka during the conference „Forum Zmieniamy Polski Przemysł”.

Kurtyka said that the COP24 experience was an attempt to look at politics from the perspective of an ordinary person: – It’s a refreshing exercise for people in the energy sector. Protests of the „yellow vests” meant that in these conversations the figure of the taxpayer appeared, for which the goals of climate policy are not controversial, only its means – he said.

The former COP24 president said that consumers and consumers will have more and more expectations for energy – for example on energy prices and its environmental performance: – China is the power of electromobility, that’s where the revolution is taking place. Today, the main challenge for Polish society is air quality. Analytical centers reduce the price forecast for lithium-ion batteries from year to year, we expect that the year 2022 will be a breakthrough, because then the electric car may turn out to be more profitable than the traditional one – he said.

Kurtyka noted that the democratization of the energy sector is progressing: – The decarbonisation policy from the point of view of society only revolves around coal. There was no talk about oil, which is just as strong an element of emission. The gas has built an aura of „blue fuel” around itself. Another example is the tragic accident in Fukushima, where there was in fact no single victim in people. Meanwhile, the wave of discussion about the atom has wiped out the German nuclear energy. The civilization model that we have chosen causes gigantic wastage and environmental pollution. The entire continents of plastic appear on the oceans. Will this system guide us through the 21st and 22nd century? In my opinion no – he said.