Polish Briefing: Draft on a central energy market information system got adopted, the act on offshore is still pending

Offshore wind farms. Photo: BiznesAlert.pl
Offshore wind farms. Photo: BiznesAlert.pl

What goes on in Poland on the 25th of November.

The government has adopted a draft on a central energy market information system, but the offshore act is still pending

The government adopted a draft amendment to the Energy Law, concerning, inter alia, building a central information system on the energy market. According to the information from the Government Information Center, the Council of Ministers has not adopted the draft act on support for offshore wind energy, i.e. offshore laws.

The adopted draft amendment to the Energy Law provides for the creation of a central energy market information system (CSIRE). Its operator (OIRE) will be the electricity transmission system operator. The act is to indicate what data can be collected and shared.

The planned amendment also provides for the recording of the installation schedule of remote reading meters by electricity distribution system operators (DSOs) – the so-called intelligent. By the end of 2023, at least 15 percent of the recipients of a given DSO are to have them, two years later – 35 percent, by the end of 2027 this ratio is to be at least 65 percent, and by the end of 2028 – at least 80 percent. Data from the meters on the energy taken from the grid and fed into it will be summed up in 15-minute periods. Data on power, quality parameters and others will also be collected, the collection of which will be provided for in separate regulations.

The announcement of the Government Information Center shows that the Council of Ministers again did not adopt the draft act on support for offshore wind energy, although it was on the agenda. The project has already been discussed by the government once – on October 28. However, the Council of Ministers ordered that he receive an opinion „by the authorities competent in the field of state security and combating corruption” and only then returned to the government’s agenda. The information from BiznesAlert.pl shows that the authorities did not have any comments on this project.