EC’s director-general for energy: There will be funds for Poland to quit coal


Central and Eastern European countries that want to go through energy transition, but in evolutionary way. How can the European Commission and energy community in general could help those countries adapt to the new situation? We interviewed Dominique Ristori, the director-general of the Directorate-General for Energy within the European Commission.

– First of all, energy transition is now reality, not in terms of political priority, but in reality of investors agenda. I am speaking based on facts and figures. If you are considering the global energy investments in 2016, the major part was invested in energy transition – energy efficiency, renewables, smart rate. 43 per cent in total was invested in clean energy I am thinking about global energy investment representing € 1,5 trillion – started Ristori. He pointed out that at the same time, investments in fossil fuels decreased by around 25 per cent. – In this context it is more important than revert to help Central Europe to go in this direction progressively. This should be done by opening new activities and exploiting all their big potential – Ristori continued.

He also said that the European Commission will be ready to prepare any project going in that direction, using all possible community founds for research or infrastructure. This will also require training for new skills, which is crucial. – I am confident, we will succeed – he convinced.

Conditions for receiving such help remain unknown, since the coal sector cannot be subsidized. – Many countries, not only in Europe, but also in the world are abandoning coal much more rapidly than expected. Poland for example is in a specific situation – said the French councilman. Coal is a big part of Polish energy mix. – It is important to open new activities and projects going in that direction – finished Dominique Ristori.