Polish Briefing: Energy and environment in Poland’s National Reconstruction Plan


What goes on in Poland on the 21st of September.

Energy and environment in Poland’s National Reconstruction Plan

At the last EU summit devoted to the new multiannual financing framework, the Polish government negotiated PLN 750 billion. Under the Facility for Reconstruction and Increasing Resilience, Poland will have EUR 57 billion at its disposal for subsidies and loans. They can be used on the basis of the National Reconstruction Plan approved by the European Council. The Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, which coordinates the National Reconstruction Plan, started the next stage of work on the submitted proposals of ministries and regions.

The purpose of the Reconstruction Fund is to rebuild and restore the resilience of economic systems and to prepare for future, unforeseen circumstances. The basis for reaching for EU funds from this instrument will be the National Reconstruction Plan (KPO), which each country must prepare. – Poland will be the fourth largest beneficiary of the Reconstruction Fund in the first phase of distribution of funds. In the second phase, Poland can count on the sixth, highest allocation among all Member States, although the final division will be known in mid-2022 – said Minister Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak. Poland will receive a grant of EUR 23.1 billion for the implementation of the KPO and may receive EUR 34.2 billion for loans. 70 percent of this amount will be granted by the European Commission by the end of 2022 – in the case of Poland, this is EUR 18.9 billion in subsidies. 30 percent of the funds from the pool will be allocated by the end of 2023, in the case of Poland it may be EUR 4.1 billion. – Whether we will receive funds in 2023 will be determined by the review of economic indicators – in particular, the decline in real GDP in 2020 and 2021 – explains the minister.