Polish energy strategy project announced. 6-9 GW of nuclear energy


In the Ministry of Energy, the draft Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 has been published.

The project assumes energy production at 60 percent from coal in 2030 and 21 percent renewable energy in final gross energy consumption in 2030. The first nuclear power plant would be built in 2033 and reach the power of 1-1,5 GW by 2033. In total, up to 6 nuclear units will be created by 2043, in other words a total of 6-9 GW.

– We are finishing the work which was crowned with the document of the Polish Energy Policy until 2040 along with the forecasts of energy demand. These two documents are what was long awaited. We want to present a perspective of satisfying the economic as well as civilization expectations of Poles – said the Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski.

BiznesAlert.pl reported earlier that the strategy will contain 6-9 GW of nuclear energy. The project will go to public consultation, which can take up to 21 days.

Wojciech Jakóbik