Gaz-System published demand assessment reports for incremental capacity


Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 (CAM NC), GAZ-SYSTEM, jointly with operators of adjacent transmission systems, assessed market demand for incremental capacity for the second time.
Based on the non-binding demand indications received, the operators prepared joint demand assessment reports. The reports estimated potential demand for incremental capacity in the respective entry-exit systems and specified whether an incremental capacity project should be initiated.

The conclusions from the incremental capacity demand assessment are as follows:

a) Poland-Germany (Trading Hub Europe) interconnection: in the process of assessing demand for incremental capacity between the gas transmission systems of GAZ-SYSTEM and ONTRAS, demand indication was submitted for incremental capacity at the GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS exit point which exceeds the currently available capacity. In order to meet the market demand of shippers interested in incremental capacity at this interconnection, the operators decided to initiate a design phase for the concerned interconnection point.

Demand assessment report for the incremental capacity process between Poland and Trading Hub Europe.

b) Poland TGPS – Germany (Trading Hub Europe) interconnection: in the process of assessing demand for incremental capacity between the gas transmission systems of GAZ-SYSTEM ISO and GASCADE (IP Mallnow), no demand indication for incremental capacity was submitted to GAS-SYSTEM ISO, thus no incremental project will be initiated at Polish side of the entry-exit system. On the German side of the entry-exit system GASCADE received a request for transition of capacity products from restrictedly allocable capacity (DZK) to freely allocable capacity (FZK). Therefore, GASCADE will conduct a technical study for the concerned IP.

Demand assessment report for incremental capacity between Poland TGPS and Trading Hub Europe.

c) Poland-Czech Republic interconnection: in the process of assessing demand for incremental capacity between the gas transmission systems of GAZ-SYSTEM and NET4GAS, demand indication was submitted for incremental capacity in direction from Poland to the Czech Republic. In order to meet the market demand for incremental capacity at this interconnection point, the operators decided to initiate a design phase for the entry-exit system concerned.

Demand assessment report for incremental capacity between the Polish gas transmission system and the Czech gas transmission system.

d) Poland-Lithuania interconnection: in the process of assessing demand for incremental capacity between the gas transmission systems of GAZ-SYSTEM and Amber Grid, demand indication was submitted for incremental capacity between Poland and Lithuania. Indicated capacity demand will be covered as part of the construction of the Poland-Lithuania interconnection (GIPL), hence it is not necessary to initiate an incremental capacity project.

Demand assessment report for incremental capacity between the Polish gas transmission system and the Lithuanian gas transmission system.

e) Poland-Slovakia interconnection: in the process of assessing demand for incremental capacity between the gas transmission systems of GAZ-SYSTEM and Eustream, no demand indications were submitted for incremental capacity between Poland and Slovakia, hence it is not necessary to initiate an incremental capacity project.

Demand assessment report for incremental capacity between the Polish gas transmission system and the Slovak gas transmission system.

The demand assessment reports for incremental capacity are also available on the ENTSOG website.
