Yet another step towards implementation of the Baltic Pipe project


On 6th December the Voivode of West Pomerania formally announced initiation of administrative proceedings regarding the issuance of the decision determining the location for the public investment known as “Baltic Pipe offshore gas pipeline – Poland”. The decision will be issued after proceedings carried out pursuant to the act on investments related to the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście (the so called “Special Purpose Act”).

The application filed by GAZ-SYSTEM covers the offshore gas pipeline in the Polish marine areas and real estate located in Pogorzelica where the transmission infrastructure for the Baltic Pipe landfall is to be built.

The offshore gas pipeline construction is one of the five component projects under implementation within the Baltic Pipe Project in Poland. The Location Decision to be issued by the Voivode of West Pomerania in the first quarter of 2020 will allow GAZ-SYSTEM to submit the application for the Construction Permit for this part of the Baltic Pipe Project.
