Gas operators release a new Central European Investment Plan


GAZ-SYSTEM together with TSOs of the CEE region are pleased to publish the Gas Regional Investment Plan 2019 (CEE GRIP) which provides a specific regional view of supply, demand and capacity developments in the CEE region for the upcoming decade.

The Gas Regional Investment Plans are prepared to promote regional cooperation as enshrined in Directive 2009/73/EC, Article 7 and further detailed by Regulation 715/2009, Article 12. The aim of CEE GRIP 2019 is to support and add to the previously published EU-wide Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2018 (TYNDP 2018) prepared by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG). The goal is to provide additional information focusing on the CEE region and to emphasize the regional gas infrastructure outlook by assessing the basis for identification of potential future gas infrastructure needs in the region.

Beyond the TYNDP 2018, the CEE GRIP provides an additional overview of broader gas market dynamics by looking at aspects linked to supply scenarios, market integration, and the security of supply (SoS) on the regional level. The key analysed areas which formed the main focus of this report are:

· the future development of gas infrastructure in the CEE region,

· specific simulations of network modelling to assess market integration and SoS,

· the development of a regional approach to SoS demand and supply scenarios,

· CEE GRIP Regional N-1 analysis up to a 10-year-time frame.

On top of that, the present edition of the CEE GRIP takes a closer look at the role played by natural gas in Central-Eastern Europe to build low-emission economies and meet the climate and energy objectives of the European Union in the long-term perspective. Considering the dependence of the CEE region on carbon intensive fuels, it is of paramount importance to fully exploit the potential of infrastructures and assets available in the EU and meet the EU climate and energy objectives in an efficient and affordable manner. To this end, the report makes an assessment how natural gas may contribute towards ensuring emission reductions and mitigation of air quality problems in the CEE region based on selected case studies.

In relation to the planned investments of GAZ-SYSTEM which have been included in CEE GRIP 2019, including in particular the cross-border interconnections with Ukraine and the Czech Republic, we would like to inform that at the time of preparing the report, no investment decision was taken to continue the implementation of the above mentioned projects and discussions with the adjacent operators were ongoing. However, on the date of publication of this report, it should be borne in mind that:

· the connection with the Czech Republic is currently subject to the 2019 incremental procedure,

· a decision was taken not to build a new connection to the Ukrainian system.
