Gaz-System: Gas transit at the border with Ukraine cannot be increased via the present infrastructure


With reference to the press releases published by Ukrainian companies, i.e. Uktransgaz and Naftohaz, on the increased available gas capacity of 6.6 billion m3/year for the Poland-Ukraine interconnection, GAZ-SYSTEM informs that the existing gas infrastructure at the Polish-Ukrainian border does not allow for transmission of such a volume of gas from Poland to Ukraine.

The current gas connection from Poland to Ukraine allows the transfer of up to 2 billion m3 of gas per year on an interruptible conditionally continuous basis.

Providing available capacity of 6.6 billion m3/year requires additional investments in the transmission system managed by GAZ-SYSTEM.

An investment decision in this respect will be made after an appropriate economic analysis, backed up by contractual obligations between the parties.
