Gaz-System’s platform will contribute to the development of the regional gas market


Within the framework of the undertaken proceedings, the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) selected the GSA Platform created on the initiative and used by Gaz-System out of the three capacity booking platforms available on the market. As a result, this IT tool will be used by gas transmission system operators at the Polish-German border.

The decision issued on 16 October 2018 means that transmission system operators (TSOs) will offer capacity through this platform at interconnection points on the Polish-German border, i.e. “Mallnow” and “GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS”. The first one is located on the Yamal-Europe transit pipeline, which is operated by Gaz-System. It connects to the adjacent gas transmission system operated by GASCADE. The next point is the virtual point GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS comprising the following physical points: Gubin, Kamminke and Lasów, located at the interconnection with the ONTRAS network, along the western border of the Lubuskie Voivodeship, Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship and Lower Silesia. Until now, capacity booking has been taking place through two separate platforms.

The GSA Platform, developed on the initiative of Gaz-System, is an independent, proprietary IT tool for offering capacity in gas transmission systems. The Agency’s assessment covered compliance with EU and national regulatory requirements, security of IT infrastructure, organisational governance and functionality and cost of use. In the course of the proceedings, the highest score was given to the Polish GSA Platform. As a result of this decision, the capacity for the points on the Polish-German border will be available on a single platform, and may thus be offered on a bundled basis. The ACER’s decision will be valid for 3 years.

We appreciate the fact that the tool we have used so far has been found to be the most competitive on the European market. We are glad that other participants will also benefit from it. We hope that this decision will support further integration of the gas market pursued by Gaz-System’ – said Tomasz Stępień, President of the Management Board of GAZ-SYSTEM. Poland’s diversification policy opens up opportunities to create a gas hub in Poland by guaranteeing diversified sources and directions of supply. This, combined with the development of interconnections and the growing popularity of IT tools such as the GSA Platform, supports the prospects for the development of an integrated gas market in Europe.

What is the GSA Platform?

The GSA Platform was established in July 2014 as a response to the requirements of the European Network Code, which defines the mechanisms for capacity allocation in gas transmission systems. By participating in auctions, market participants can book capacity at interconnection points through the GSA Platform.
