Polish Energy Amber Award for Gaz-System at OSE 2019


President Tomasz Stępień was granted the Polish Power Engineering Amber Award as a recognition of consistent and effective efforts to improve Poland’s energy security and independence through the implementation of the Baltic Pipe project. The award was granted to Gaz-System on 8 April 2019 during the 7th edition of the National Energy Summit OSE Gdańsk.
The Amber Award is a recognition awarded to persons, institutions or corporates for their extraordinary efforts contributing to the development and safety of Poland’s economy and power engineering sector, both at home and abroad. The award is intended to honour the winners for their determination and consistency in fulfilling their commitments or challenges they face due to their position or corporate strategy.

– It is not our first attempt to lay the Baltic Pipe, but this project has never before managed to reach the stage it is at now. We are determined to complete this investment project as scheduled – stressed Tomasz Stępień, President of Gaz-System Management Board, when collecting the award.

Polish Power Engineering Amber Award was also granted to: Lars Christian Lilleholt, Climate and Energy Minister of Denmark, Michał Kurtyka, Deputy Minister of Environment, Filip Grzegorczyk, President of TAURON Polska Energia as well as PKN ORLEN. During the same event the Pomeranian Province collected the self-government award for energy efficiency.

About OSE 2019

The National Energy Summit OSE Gdańsk is one of the most important industry events. During two days of debates, the discussions involved major challenges facing the power engineering sector in Poland. Some of the issues raised during this year’s edition of the summit included: reorganisation of the Polish energy market to adapt to the state’s mineral raw materials policy, economic and energy independence, security of supply of mineral raw materials and stability of international relations.
