Gaz-System signed an agreement with CHP Plant Czechnica


The company concluded an agreement with Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wrocławskich KOGENERACJA S.A. on the connection of a new gas and steam unit to the transmission network. This investment is of key importance for Wrocław and its surroundings. At the moment CHP Plant Czechnica produces energy by burning coal and biomass.

The agreement provides for the construction of a gas pipeline of the following diameters: 500 mm (approximately 4.7 km) and 300 mm (approximately 6.5 km) with fibre optic cable and gas station. The gas pipeline will connect a new Combined Heat and Power Plant Czechnica, which is being constructed by Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wrocławskich KOGENERACJA S.A., with the existing  GAZ-SYSTEM infrastructure.

The investment site is located in three municipalities: Oława, Domaniów and Siechnice. In most cases, the route of the planned gas pipeline will be arranged along the existing gas infrastructure. This will reduce interference with local zoning plans to the minimum necessary.

“Connecting the CHP Plant Czechnica to the GAZ-SYSTEM transmission network is yet another project that will make use of gas supplied through the LNG Terminal and the Baltic Pipe. With our help, the CHP plant will be able to benefit from a more environmentally friendly fuel – natural gas,” said Artur Zawartko, Vice-President of the Management Board for GAZ-SYSTEM.

Changing the supply source to a gas-steam unit will significantly contribute to reducing emissions of substances harmful to the environment. The use of gas combustion technology will improve air quality in the region. Additional benefits include reduced vehicle traffic as the supply of coal and biomass to the existing CHP Plant Czechnica will cease. The problem of storing waste generated when burning solid fuels will also cease.

“Using modern technology, the National Power System will obtain energy from low-emission generation units which fulfil the criterion of emission performance significantly below 550 kg CO2/MWh, required by the European Union.  The new gas-steam unit featuring a total capacity of some 320 MWt, fuelled with the „blue fuel”, is expected to become operational in 2023,” said Paweł Szczeszek, President of KOGENERACJA.

The technology based on gas combustion will improve air quality in the region. Emissions from combustion of solid fuels will be eliminated, as well as the nuisance associated with handling combustion by-products.
