Gov adopts draft update on renewables to increase green energy consumption

Offshore. Pic PGE Baltica
Offshore. Pic PGE Baltica

The Government Information Center (CIR) reported that the government adopted a draft amendment to the law on renewable energy sources and some other laws that aim to further increase the share of renewables in national energy consumption, among others.

The project provides solutions that aim to further increase the share of renewable sources in national energy consumption. „The new legislation will also bring Polish law in line with European Union legislation when it comes to promoting the use of energy from renewable sources,” the CIR said in a statement.

The draft proposes:

– producers of biomethane from biogas or agricultural biogas will be able to conduct economic activities in this area and benefit from the support system provided for in the law;

– improvements will be introduced to energy clusters, i.e. agreements between locally operating entities that organize themselves to generate, distribute and store electricity for their own needs for the benefit of their community members;

– the role of renewable energy sources (RES) in heating and cooling will be increased;

– the rules on the priority of purchasing heat from renewable sources and thermal waste conversion installations, as well as waste heat, will be clarified;

– the possibility of issuing and billing guarantees of origin for heat and cold from RES will be introduced in order to promote and interest in environmentally friendly ways of heat generation;

– it will be proposed to increase auction volumes from 5 to 12 GW in 2025-2031;

– a National Contact Point for RES investors will be established.

The National Contact Point for RES was included in the amendment in 2022. It aims to streamline administrative processes and provide full support to future manufacturers.

ISBnews / Government Information Centre/Jędrzej Stachura