Government green lights geological works at the nuclear power plant site

Dukovany nuclear power plant, source: Wikipedia
Dukovany nuclear power plant, source: Wikipedia

The Ministry of Climate and Environment has approved the geological works plan for Poland’s nuclear power plant, according to Polish Nuclear Power Plants (PEJ). This document allows for in-depth geological studies at the site where the first nuclear power plant in Poland is to be built. The decision of the Ministry confirms the compliance of the project presented by PEJ with the current regulations.

The geological research will be carried out by Bechtel, which is part of the American consortium responsible for the project. It will begin in May and will cover an area of about 30 hectares in the municipality of Choczewo. The plan is to create about 220 test points 20 to 210 meters deep.

The results of the research will allow for a more accurate determination of the geological, engineering and hydrogeological conditions of the area. The findings will be used in the preparation of the location report, which is necessary to obtain a construction permit from the President of the State Atomic Energy Agency.

The first phase of the research will be completed this year and the results will be used in further plant design works. This work is carried out under the PEJ contract with the Westinghouse-Bechtel consortium and includes the design of the main construction facilities, such as three power units, an inflow pool, cooling water channels and a discharge channel for cooling the water.

Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowowe sp. z o. o. is responsible for the preparation of the investment process and acts as an investor in the project for the construction of nuclear power plants with a total capacity of 6 to 9 GWe, based on safe, proven Generation III(+) nuclear reactors and, possibly, for their operation in the future.

Polish Nuclear Power Plants / Mateusz Gibała