Polish Briefing: The new government plenipotentiary announces changes in the mining and energy sectors in the fall


What goes on in Poland on the 27th of August.

The new government plenipotentiary announces changes in the mining and energy sectors in the fall

The government plans to abolish the function of the government’s plenipotentiary for the restructuring of the hard coal mining industry, and in its place it wants to appoint a government plenipotentiary for energy transition and coal mining industry. The change comes on the eve of the reform of the Polish mining and energy industry.

The list of legislative works of the government shows that the government is preparing a draft regulation of the Council of Ministers on the abolition of the government plenipotentiary for the restructuring of the hard coal mining industry. – The tasks and duties of the government plenipotentiary for the restructuring of the coal mining industry will be taken over by the government plenipotentiary for the transformation of the energy and coal mining industry – we read in the press release. The government plenipotentiary for the restructuring of the hard coal mining industry operates pursuant to the ordinance of the Council of Ministers of November 18, 2014.

PERN is building a new pipeline under the bottom of the Vistula River that will replace the temporary solution

In Płock, work has started on the construction of a section of the fuel pipeline that will run deep under the bottom of the Vistula River. The planned episode will replace the so-called a reserve pipeline that was shut down due to damage in 2018.

PERN informs that the installation will be made using the HDD trenchless technology, consisting in the performance of horizontal directional drilling. – This solution does not interfere with the natural environment and does not affect the banks of rivers or levees – explains the operator.

The company explains that the drilling of this type is used for crossing larger rivers, canals, levees or protected areas.