Grzyb: Time for general energetics 


My views on the civic energetics, or maybe as a representative of popular party I should say, the general energetics have been known for a long time. At least for those who are interested in the work of the European Parliament and those organizations that work closely with the European Parliament – writes Andrzej Grzyb, Member of the European Parliament from the Polish People’s Party.

I am very familiar with civic energetics 

Civic energetics is a prosumerism, where the consumer is also a producer of energy.

Civic energetics means energy communities that provide services to local communities – like the Ostrowski Energy Cluster in Greater Poland.

Civic energetics is a clean energy and renewable energy sources.

Civic energetics is a dispersed energy, and dispersed energy generation systems are more difficult to destabilize.

Civic energetics is an energy in which the source of energy is closer to the consumer, and thus we have less energy losses.

Civic energetics is a benefit for individual producers and local communities.

Civic energetics is a sovereign energy, independent of the import of raw materials.

That is why during my 10 years of work in the European Parliament I was seeking solutions beneficial to prosumers and energy communities, written primarily in the directive on supporting renewable energy sources and regulation on the management of the Energy Union.

I believe that civic energetics in the prosumer version and energy communities are necessary elements complementing the energy sector. Civic energetics is also an essential component of a low-emission energy transformation.

We’ve been talking about it for a long time.