Polish Briefing: Preparations to build Harmony Link are underway


What goes on in Poland on the 4th of August.

Preparations to build Harmony Link are underway

ILF Consulting Engineers, an Austrian international engineering and consulting group belonging to the Lithuanian transmission network operator (Litgrid) and the Polish operator (Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne), will help build an offshore Harmony Link link worth EUR 680 million.

ILF Consulting Engineers Polska will develop technical specifications for tendering procedures for offshore cable stations for the most important elements of the Harmony Link project under a contract worth EUR 1.37 million signed in June 2020. The company will also help in the preparation of the remaining project documentation. It is to assess the risks associated with laying the cable and obtain a permit for its construction in the Swedish exclusive economic zone. They will also advise on other issues. – The maritime connection with Poland is a particularly important and complex project – said Daivis Virbickas, president of Litgrid.

Gazprom is to appeal against the UOKiK penalty related to Nord Stream 2

Gazprom has announced that it will appeal against the penalty imposed on it by the Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in connection with the Nord Stream 2 investigation. The Russians claim that the documents on which the antimonopoly authority relied are not related to the investigation. The fine was EUR 50 million.

This information was provided to the RBK agency by the press office of the Russian concern. – Gazprom will take steps to protect its interests, including an appeal against the decision to the court, where UOKiK will have to prove the correctness of its position – we read in the company’s announcement, which adds that it received an official notification from the Polish supervisory authority and is currently analyzing it.