Buzek: There is pressure to defend Nord Stream 2, but the gas directive is moving forward


On Wednesday the committee for industry and energy of the European Parliament adopted a stance supporting the draft amendment to the gas directive, which is especially opposed by Nord Stream 2 investors. In the European Parliament there were many opponents to accept the mandate for further negotiations on these regulations.

From the information provided to the Polish Press Agency by a source close to the work, it appears that apart from the German MEPs, who were mostly against, also the deputies from Greece, Bulgaria, Spain and Italy reported reservations. In the end, the head of the industry committee, leading the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek (PO) managed to drag some of them to his side.

– This is the tip of the construction of a gas market in Europe. Objections to these activities seem from the point of view of the EU’s raison d’etat. They are, of course. They arise from various interests and pressures from outside. This is not only with this directive, but also with many others. We must be resistant to them and take care of our energy security and the entire European Union. The aim of this regulation is the transparency of the market, so that we have a chance to make energy in Europe as cheap as possible. This is the most important for consumers and industry – said prof. Jerzy Buzek in the commentary for BiznesAlert.pl.

– This is just the first step. It can not be ruled out that the case will be on the agenda of the European Parliament. Some procedural actions can be used. There will be a huge rehearsal and an interview with seven hundred members – said a Member of the European Parliament. – Lobbying is very big. This not an accusation. This is convincing to your reasons. We should also have official lobbying.

– You can talk about Members, but not countries. Each MP, as in Poland, is the representative of the entire Union – said Buzek. He spoke about opposition centers in the center and in southern Europe. However, in his opinion, it is important that the Scandinavian countries, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, „perhaps with the exception of Bulgaria”, the British and Irish MPs „indisputably” support changes.

The former prime minister and head of the European Parliament, and now chairman of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, said he would convince the Bulgarian Presidency to the reasons behind the revised Gas Directive. In his opinion, its aim is that European regulations should be respected by all market participants. – Of course, it does not appeal to monopolists from outside the Union, who want to impose their rules governed by politics – he added.

According to prof. Buzek, revision of the gas directive shows that Central and Eastern Europe has the full opportunity to push regulations beneficial for the entire European Union. – We pushed through de facto against most Germans. Let us make it clear that any ideas regarding the European Energy Community, then the Energy Union, or regulation on the security of gas supply, were all at first Polish postulates that found a great understanding in Western European countries.

– Now Germany is opposed to specific solutions, but in the past they have already supported our ideas. We are not marginalized in the European Union. It all depends on whether we have arguments – summed up Buzek.