Kloc: EU should prioritize strengthening the Three Seas Initiative

MEP Izabela Kloc. Picture by izabelakloc.pl.
MEP Izabela Kloc. Picture by izabelakloc.pl.

„Strengthening and integrating the Three Seas area would improve the geopolitical situation of the European Union. The Nordic, Baltic, Polish and Romanian states are most interested in creating a common deterrent force against Russia. This group is also devoid of collaborators willing to sell the sovereignty of their allies for oil or gas,” writes Izabela Kloc, Member of the European Parliament.

„The solution that would qualitatively improve the geopolitical situation of the European Union is to strengthen and integrate the Three Seas area. The Nordic, Baltic, Polish and Romanian states are most interested in creating a common deterrent force against Russia. There are also no collaborators in this group who would be willing to trade the sovereignty of their allies for oil or gas, ” writes Izabela Kloc, Member of the European Parliament.

„The Americans want to support this project because they know that if they are forced to reduce their presence in Europe, then the Three Seas under the leadership of Poland would be able to confront Russia. The government of Law and Justice was aware of this historic challenge. Thus, it pursued infrastructure projects such as the Via Carpatia, the Vistula Spit canal or the construction of the Central Communication Port (CPK), which are an impetus to economic development, but also have a huge military importance,” emphasizes Kloc.

„The crisis is a transitional situation that smart politicians can solve with bold decisions. The modern world has entered a phase of structural change that will culminate in a new global order. This is bigger and more serious than the crisis. This is the worst possible moment for such experiments as centralization of the European Union,” adds the MEP.
