Kloc: Is nuclear power bad because the Germans don’t want it?

Source: pikist.com
Source: pikist.com

Germany has shut down its nuclear power plants and is in the worst energy crisis in decades. Now they want to drag the whole European Union to the bottom. The ENVI Commission, the largest in the European Parliament and clearly influenced by German mentors, has adopted an opinion eliminating nuclear power from the list of strategic technologies – writes Izabela Kloc, MEP.

Initially advanced nuclear energy was on a wide list of technologies that the European Union wants to develop in connection with climate policy. This is obvious because nuclear power plants do not emit greenhouse gases and in the long run produce very cheap energy. Investments on the „net zero” list have easier access to finance and faster authorization procedures. This is a huge opportunity for countries such as Poland, which are looking for clean, cheap and reliable energy sources on the path of transformation. The only member of the European Union that officially wants nothing more to do with the atom is Germany. However, this was enough to trigger anti-nuclear lobbying in the EU institutions. The European Parliament’s largest, highly influential Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety has approved an opinion that eliminates all nuclear technologies from the privileged list. The report, drawn up by German Socialist Tiemo Wölken, was adopted by a majority of 54 votes to 14 with seven abstentions.

„Nuclear technology is simply not fit to power the green transition, and with limited financial resources and administrative capacity, it could divert support away from much-needed renewable energy projects,” he said.

We have further proof that the „green transformation” is green, but only in the context of the color of the world currency. This is about the economic interests of the richest country in the European Union. Germany has stopped investing in nuclear power and demands that others do it too. It is time for Europeans to realise that the climate revolution is a bluff.
