Polish Briefing: Possible energy connections between Poland, Denmark and Sweden


What goes on in Poland on the 5th of September.

PSE: Poland is considering the construction of energy connections with Denmark and Sweden

Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne analyze the construction of energy connections, among others with Denmark and the second connection with Sweden – said Michał Straus, head of the connection department at Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne, during the XXVIII Economic Forum held in Krynica.

– We analyze the construction of connections with Denmark and Lithuania. These two connections are included in the 10-year network development plan. As part of further analyzes, we will confirm the advantages of such a solution. We regard the connection with Denmark as a future project. It has many advantages. We believe that further analyzes will confirm that it is economically justified. We anticipate that it will be implemented around the city Koszalin, because it is an area adapted to this connection, so that in case of implementation it can be adapted to the network – he said.

He also did not rule out the construction of a second connection with Sweden. – However, it requires a new definition on the European forum, whether its implementation is economically justified – said Strus.

PGE will support local governments in the implementation of electromobility

Polska Grupa Energetyczna Nowa Energia will help local governments implement electromobility. During this year’s Economic Forum in Krynica in the presence of the energy minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski, a support project for health resort towns was presented.

– In Poland we have appropriate regulations for electromobility. Our energy companies put free charging points for electric cars. There is a system of incentives, we want electromobility in Poland to start seriously. NFOŚiGW will provide financial support, so it is worth using it. Poland has ambitions to be a pioneer in Europe in this area – said energy minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski.

PGE will stimulate the demand for infrastructure for charging electric cars. This market is prospective and will grow rapidly, supported by, among others, the Strategy for Sustainable Development. PGE intends to cooperate in particular with spa regions that have specific environmental standards, air pollution and noise.