Kurtyka: Poland’s power sector has come a long way


PKEE Summer Day in Brussels has hosted the Deputy Minister of Energy and the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Poland for the COP24 Climate Summit, Michał Kurtyka. In his opinion, the electromobility presents an opportunity for changes in Poland.

He recalled his childhood in Kraków, where he was not allowed to open the windows as his parents were concerned with the mess caused by the soot coming from the polluted air. At present Poland is changing. “The Polish power sector has come a long way. It is less binary, less black and white, and more colourful. Sustainable development is the new motto of our energy policy. I do not have to prohibit my children from opening the windows anymore” – assured Mr Kurtyka.

“Central and Eastern Europe can be innovative. Poland can be innovative. 177 electric cars will be delivered to the Polish roads. This is the biggest tender in the European Union. The second biggest tender takes place in Paris for just over 100 cars. Our French colleagues are the leaders in car sharing. Europe’s second largest car sharing industry is growing in Wrocław and it is a huge success” – said Mr Kurtyka.

“We are solidary with the Baltic States synchronisation and gas market integration project. We provide the security by assuring alternative gas supplies from Norway via Denmark. Poland’s power sector should be viewed as one that modernises itself while respecting the citizens” – argued the Minister.