Polish Briefing: Mining restructuring may cost over PLN 9.5 billion | The Yamal gas pipeline has a new, lower gas transmission tariff


What goes on in Poland on the 27th of April.

Mining restructuring may cost over PLN 9.5 billion

The Ministry of State Assets informed that the draft amendment to the Act on the functioning of the hard coal mining industry, enabling further acquisitions of mines by the Mine Restructuring Company, has been submitted for further discussions. The total cost of the restructuring is estimated at PLN 9.66 billion between 2021 and 27.

The Regulatory Impact Assessment press release says that an amendment to the act is needed to introduce changes to the existing legal regulations relating to hard coal mining. It is necessary due to the need to finance the effects of the restructuring of the sector resulting from the government programs implemented in previous years, as well as to enable activities related to the further restructuring of the hard coal sector in Poland.

The ministry informs that the financial consequences of the act will be mainly borne by the state budget. The total cost for the public finance sector is estimated at PLN 9.66 billion in the years 2021-27 (as of December 31, 2027, the decision of the Council of December 10, 2010, which allows for granting public aid from the state budget provided the European Commission gives consent, will expire).

The Yamal gas pipeline with a new, lower gas transmission tariff

In result of the decision of the Court of Appeal in Warsaw of April 23 this year, the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) of June 5, 2020, on approving the tariff for natural gas transmission services for 2021 for EuRoPol GAZ, entered into force.
On December 28, the Court of Appeal in Warsaw upheld the decision of the President of the ERO on the tariff for gas transmission via the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline for 2021. The new tariff is 15.4 percent lower than the one in 2020.

The decision of the Court of Appeal concerns the dismissal of the complaint against the decision of the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection (SOKiK) of January 4, 2021, which ruled to discontinue the proceedings on the appeal of EuRoPol Gaz against the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office on the approval of the tariff for 2021.