Polish Briefing: Ministry of Climate supports RES investors’ demands in response to the coronavirus


What goes on in Poland on the 30th of March.

Ministry of Climate supports RES investors’ demands in response to the coronavirus

Due to the epidemic in Poland, the Ministry of Climate proposed solutions in the energy and waste management sector. The Ministry has proposed the possibility of extending the deadlines for energy supply by investors in Renewable Energy Sources (RES), whose offers have won auctions in previous years. This solution was suggested by the Polish Wind Energy Association.

Extension of the deadline for RES investors

The department’s proposal assumes the possibility of extending the terms for investors whose offers have won auctions in previous years. PWEA proposed this solution. – The provision applies to both the first sale of electricity under the auction system and the maximum age of devices included in a given installation. This solution will be used in the case of circumstances beyond the control of the manufacturer, so-called force majeure – emphasizes the Ministry of Climate in a press release. An analogous regulation has been proposed for producers using feed-in tariff (FiT) and premium feed-in (FiP) systems, directed to renewable energy installations with power, using hydropower, biogas and agricultural biogas. This is the ministry’s response to possible delay in deliveries of components necessary for modernization or investment in the renewable energy sector.

Extending the deadlines for developing air protection programs

In connection with the announcement of the state of the pandemic, it is also currently not possible for provincial boards to conduct social consultations, including meetings with residents of communes covered by the air protection program. – That is why the Ministry of Climate also proposed amendments to the Act on Environmental Protection Law and the Act on crisis management, which aim to extend the deadlines related to the development of air protection programs – we read in the communiqué.