Ministry of the Environment: the Przemyśl concession will be extended on time


The decision on changing the concession for natural gas production from the Przemyśl field and the Buszkowiczki deposit is expected by June 27, 2019 – ensured the Ministry of the Environment in a commentary for PGNiG strives to extend it.

Extending the validity of the new license on time

The concession for natural gas production from the Przemyśl deposit and the Buszkowiczka deposit is valid until June 27, 2019. The request to change the concession was submitted by PGNiG on January 31, 2019. The Ministry of Environment ensures that the procedure for changing the concession for natural gas extraction from the Przemyśl deposit and the Buszkowiczka deposit is already at the final stage. – By way of notice, the parties were notified of the termination of the investigation, they were given the opportunity to become acquainted with the files of the proceedings, express their views on the evidence and materials collected and the requests made in case of question. The decision on this matter is expected by June 27, 2019, according to the Ministry of the Environment.

According to the ministry formal errors have been occurred

However, the ministry also states that the PGNiG application contained „numerous formal defects”. All formal errors in the application were completed by the company on 9 May 2019. – The concession authority could take action in the proceedings, including notifying all parties on the initiation of the proceedings by way of a notice and request the co-operating bodies only on the basis of a complete license application, i.e. after 9 May 2019 – the Ministry of the Environment explains.

The ministry writes further that it should be emphasized that the duration of proceedings depends primarily on the completeness and quality of the applications submitted. – Submitted applications, burdened with formal deficiencies, prevent the concession authority from initiating proceedings and requesting competent cooperation bodies to agree a draft resolution. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the provisions regulating concession proceedings provide for the participation of other bodies (voghts, mayors, minister competent for mineral deposits, etc.), without which the concession authority cannot issue a decision in this case. Co-acting bodies have 14 days to take a position on the reconciliation of the resolution project. In addition, the provisions also provide for ensuring the participation of parties to proceedings at each of its stages – the ministry explains.

PGNiG: We’ve been waiting more than 130 days

President of PGNiG Piotr Woźniak said at a press conference, the mining license for the Przemyśl deposit cannot be threatened because it is connected with a large number of contracts. – We need a smooth transition from one period to the next one, from one permit to another -he said. – In two weeks, so on 27 June, the validity of the concession for the Przemyśl deposit expires. We are waiting for its extension for over 130 days. This will mean prolonging the current activity of mines and drilling, which started back in the 1950s – he said.

In addition, the company emphasizes in the position sent that it received a notification from the concession authority that the proceedings were terminated, which means that all legal and evidentiary actions required by law, including obtaining the positions of other authorities, have been carried out. – We are currently awaiting a decision – PGNiG reports. In addition, it expects that in the process of granting a concession for prospecting, exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons, solutions will be implemented what will improve the current procedure. – As always, we express our readiness to cooperate in the elaboration of target solutions for this process – he stated.