Myklebust: Poland has the greatest potential for offshore development in the Baltic


Poland has the greatest potential for offshore wind energy development among all Baltic countries. Norwegian companies know this, said Olav Myklebust, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway during the Baltic Wind Industry Forum.

He added that 90 percent of electricity in Norway comes from hydropower and 3 percent from wind. – To reach 100 percent of renewable energy, it will be necessary to develop wind on land and sea. Fossil fuel resources are not used in Norway, but we are willing to make them available. Gas pipelines direct gas to France, Germany, and we know that in the future also to Poland, reminded the guest of the conference.

We have built up a large knowledge capital for the development of investments at sea. Equinor does not focus only on oil and gas, but also on offshore wind farms in Great Britain, in the US, and in Poland too, he said.

He stressed that Poland has the greatest potential for offshore development among all countries lying on the Baltic Sea – Network connections are crucial. We want to build connections in the region to ensure stable and safe production of electricity, he argued.