Polish Briefing: The second LNG terminal will give an alternative to Poland’s neighbors


What goes on in Poland on the 7th of May.

Naimski: The second gas terminal will give an alternative to the neighbors of Poland

Poland decided to build a floating unit in Gdansk, which will give an additional throughput of 4 billion cubic meters of gas until 2024-25. It will be connected to the Polish transmission system, from which gas will flow to our neighbors – said Piotr Naimski PhD, the Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure during the conference „1st EU-U.S. Energy Council High-Level Business to Business Energy Forum” which was held in Brussels. Central Europe Energy Partners (CEEP) was one of the organizers of the event. 

Naimski emphasized, that the diversification of sources of energy supplies means something else in Budapest, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and Lisbon. Hungarians are one hundred percent reliant on Russian import of energy sources from Russia, not because they want, but because they have no other option. We focus on LNG infrastructure and trade, but this is only part of the image – he said.

In his opinion, in order to meet the LNG objectives in Europe, we need gas transmission pipelines. – We have potential, but to use it, we need demand, market decisions, but above all, infrastructure development, and this depends on the transmission network operators. In Central and Eastern Europe, the status quo is based on gas pipelines running from east to west. That is why we need the North-South Corridor. Currently, a Poland-Slovakia interconnector with a throughput of 5 billion cubic meters of gas annualy is being built. It will be completed in 2021. If the Hungarians decided to build an interconnector with Slovakia, they would have a real possibility of diversification. This would increase Hungary’s energy security, he said. 

– The second, floating LNG terminal will give us the possibility of an additional throughput of 4 billion cubic meters. until 2024-2025. Then, a strategic approach will give us the opportunity to double throughput to about 8 billion cubic meters. – said Naimski