Polish Briefing: „The merger of Orlen and Lotos is a chance”


What goes on in Poland on the 10th of July.

Naimski: The merger of Orlen and Lotos is a chance

Government Plenipotentiary for strategic energy infrastructure Piotr Naimski opted for the merger of PKN Orlen and Grupa Lotos, the application for which was sent to the European Commission.

– The merger of Orlen and Lotos may be important from the point of view of the competitiveness of the Polish economy, the entire economy, because the fuel sector affects the economy, on a European scale. This is a strategy that leads to creation of a Polish large company that will be comparable with large European companies that are often state-owned or under the influence of the state like the French EDF or Swedish Vattenfall, which pursue their interests, but also the ones of their mother countries – said Naimski.

– This is a chance. I hope that it will succeed and the results will be positive – said the interviewee of the Polish Radio.

Naimski on potential problems of the Harmony Link: These voices are quite routine

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna has published an opinion suggesting that the construction of Harmony Link, which is to make the Baltic States independent of the post-Soviet energy system by Poland, may be threatened by Russia’s actions.

– One of the elements necessary for this operation is the connection of the Harmony Link submarine cable to 2025 – the government plenipotentiary for strategic infrastructure Piotr Naimski admitted in an interview in the First Programme of the Polish Radio. – Preparations for this investment have already begun. They are run by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE – ed.) and Litgrid – he reminded.

He also referred to speculation about potential problems with this investment. – Such voices are quite routine. Whatever we do in the region of Central Europe that would make energy systems independent and energy supplies, or at all from Russian influence, is commented and contested in various ways. In general, there are many voices that it will be impossible to discourage us. If it is impossible, why bother to do this? – said Naimski. – Of course there may be problems. This is not in the interest of Russian suppliers. I do believe, however, that together with the Baltic countries and, this time with the European Commission, we will be able to deal with – the guest of PR 1 added.